ISMOM2019-Travel Support Grants for Scientists from Low-Budget Countries

We are happy to announce that the IUSS Stimulus Fund and Division 2 of the IUSS enables us to offer scholarships for waiving the fees for registration and field trip for up to 8 students and 2 young scientists from low-budget countries.

The interested young scientists should be younger than 40 years at the day of the application deadline. Students and young scientists working in countries considered by the World Bank (2018) as low-income or low medium income countries will be preferentially considered.

 A cover letter explaining how the topic of thesis or the present research is suited to the ISMOM2019 as well as a recommendation letter of the present or a former supervisor shall be included.

 A committee will determine the winners by evaluating the scientific achievements and the quality of the submitted abstract (following the rules of the abstract submission for the ISMOM2019. Please not that this application is in addition to the regular abstract submission via the homepage of the conference.

After submitting their abstract via the regular abstract submission pathway at the respective webpage ( ), interested young scientists shall send

  • a cover letter explaining how the topic of their thesis or the present research is suited to the ISMOM2019
  • their CV (max. 2 pages, containing age, academic degree, affiliation and up to 5 important scientific achievements or published paper during the last 5 years)
  • a copy of the abstract for the congress
  • a recommendation letter of the present or former supervisor

as a single pdf-file to the following email

Application deadline: March 10th 2019

With kind regards

Heike Knicker and Francisco J. Gonzalez-Vila

Conference Chairs